Database Systems OEE Efficiency
KPIs and Dashboards

KPIs and Dashboards for Clarity of Direction

All forward-thinking businesses have Key Performance Indicators: KPIs. They provide a connection between business strategy and lower-level tactical measures that influence performance.

It is often the case that KPIs become a project in themselves distracting from the genuine business objectives. Cut/paste from spreadsheet to spreadsheet. This of course is counter-productive and does precisely the opposite of what a business needs – clarity without the drama.

The success of KPIs is comes from the improvement they promote. It is important to keep action focused and not get bogged down in the numbers. Vensis provide expert support to build the right KPIs on automated platforms leaving you and your team free to act on the insights they provide.

Call for a free, no obligation chat about your KPI needs. Get in Touch
Database Calculating OEE KPI - UK
Database Systems OEE Efficiency

Controlled Inputs

Robust Calculations

Visual KPI Screens

Single Click Reports

Analysis and Trending

PDF exports and Automatic Email

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